A prototype for a platformer were you try make a dog trust you enough to follow your commands and not be distracted by squirrels and overcoming its fear of heights and snakes.

Click above the dog to make it jump towards the hand.

Click on the dog to pet it. this increases trust.

Move the mouse a bit away from the dog to make it slowly follow, if trust is high enough.

The dog is attached to the hand and mouse cursor with a leash of finite length, pulling this leash to its full extent will pull the dog, decreasing trust.

Lifting the dog off the ground with the leash causes the dog to immediately lose all trust in you.

Pulling the dog by the leash while it is chasing a squirrel will eventually tire it out, allowing you to pet the dog and granting an extra trust bonus for rewarding it.

The dog will panic briefly if bit by a snake.

The dog will stop and refuse to jump or walk off some tall ledges until its trust in you outweighs its fear of heights.

Press R to teleport the dog back to the start.

The 1 and 2 keys are cheat commands that increase or decrease trust.

Art by Devon Jokic and Lukas Larsson.
Programming by Erik Högberg.

Uses art assets based on https://opengameart.org/content/animated-wild-animals

Made for a university course at Campus Gotland, Uppsala University.

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